Breaking the Cycle of Mistrust: Wise Interventions to Provide Critical Feedback Across the Racial Divide
In Studies 1 and 2, 7th-grade students received critical feedback from their teacher that, in the treatment condition, was designed to assuage mistrust byemphasizing the teacher’s high standards and belief that the student was capable of meeting thosestandards—a strategy known aswise feedback. Wise feedback increased students’ likelihood of submit-ting a revision of an essay (Study 1) and improved the quality of their final drafts (Study 2).
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 2014, Vol. 143, No. 2, 804–824
The Effects of Interleaved Practice
Children practiced four kinds of mathematics problems in an order that was interleaved or blocked, and the degree of spacing was fixed. Interleaving of practice impaired practice session performance yet doubled scores on a test given one day later. An analysis of the errors suggested that interleaving boosted test scores by improving participants' ability to pair each problem with the appropriate procedure.
Applied Cognitive Psychology 24(6):837 - 848 · September 2010